INTERMEZZO, Spazio Fico, Milano, 2019.

Intermezzo is a duo show of John Mirabel and Francesca Mussi. It is presented through works that contain, in their form, the tension and the dynamism of an action suspended in an instant, like in a sort of limbo, questionning the horizontality in its opposition to the verticality, where an interlude is considered as a “space in between”. A series of 3 artworks are presented. 
A large scale print representing a photography of the sky is attached horizontally at 1 m20 from the ground by 4 ropes and takes up most of the volume of the first room. 5 frames are hung on one of the walls, which are 5 prints in which Francesca’s figure is manipulating clay in a bathtub, with no background or context in the image, leaving the skyline in the room as its landscape.
The second room is dark and filled with black water with a videoprojection on the facing wall in which John Mirabel’s enigmatic and disturbing movement is renewed in a continuous loop. The invariable and perpetual limbo remains inconclusive and therefore suspended in its ambiguity.
Similarly, in the prints of Francesca Mussi, her figure remains ambiguous and floating, and her gesture cryptic.
The artists have collaborated working directly on site creating environments in which different elements make real spatial interludes (intermezzi) and determine the fruition of the other works, forcing, proposing, permitting or directing the spectator to be active.

1- The Horizon is Only in Between
digital print on PVC tarpaulin, ropes, 2x5 meters.

Prints by Francesca Mussi, extracted from the video “Unseen Performance #1”, gumprints, 50x70 cm.

BLOODRUSH, video installation, video projection, water, sound.                                                                      Link to the video here.

All photos taken by Fabrizio Stipari